Purple Rain Fashion Show Unity Center

Modern manner has long been synonymous with parades of long, lean models teetering down a runway sporting a range of often-exposed designs aimed to wink the almost skin possible.

But a backfire is starting to build, focused around a so-called "pocket-size fashion" motion that is tipped by Thompson Reuters to get a $450 billion manufacture past 2019.

A style result in Western Commonwealth of australia has opted to capitalise on the involvement, showcasing a range of stylish and fully-covered outfits focused on more pocket-sized designs.

Perth Modest Fashion Premier 2018, which held its inaugural event at the Perth Town Hall on Saturday, was organised to promote local designers and models from across a range of cultures, religions and ethnicities.

Four modest fashion models stand in the street holding hands.

Consequence organisers say small-scale mode could bring millions of dollars in revenue to WA.( Supplied: Medi Esmail )

I of the event organisers, Imam Faizel Chothia, said Perth was ideally located to tap into the booming pocket-sized style market.

"More than lx per cent of Muslims alive east of Mecca, in Asia," the Muslim community leader said.

"Indonesia in item has one of the fastest growing heart-class sectors, who spend almost eighty per cent of their disposable income on luxury items, including wearing apparel.

"If Perth tin can secure 0.0001 per cent of that market, it translates into millions, and millions, and millions of dollars of revenue to our state."

A model wearing a glamorous red hijab.

A hijab styled by designer Sureyya Demir, inspired by her Turkish background.( Supplied: Medi Esmail )

Modest fashion has major aspirations

The term "small fashion" generally refers to a tendency of wearing less skin-revealing clothing, without having to sacrifice on style.

Sureyya Demir, i of the designers involved in the issue, said despite common perceptions, minor fashion was not limited to people of Islamic religion — with the tendency being adopted across a range of religions.

Sureyya wears a head covering and big hoop earings, and smiles at the camera.

Fashion designer Sureyya Demir is a hijab stylist in Perth.( ABC News: Briana Shepherd )

"Modest fashion is basically something of your own interpretation," she said.

Ms Demir was born in Perth to a Turkish Muslim father and an English language Roman Catholic mother, with herself and her sis choosing Islam as adults.

The hijab stylist said she had noticed a growing need for pocket-size manner options in Perth.

"I have women coming to me who don't follow any faith and they say to me, 'I dearest your scarf, the fashion you wearable it'," she said.

"It's something that is catching on in the wider customs and it can be for anybody."

A woman wears a scarf with a silver headdress holding it in place. The designer makes an adjustment.

One of the designers at the fashion bear witness adjusts a model's caput scarf.( ABC News: Briana Shepherd )

Small-scale fashion has gained momentum in recent years, and in 2016 Istanbul held the get-go-ever Modest Fashion Calendar week, with London and Singapore following suit.

Fashion labels — including Dolce & Gabbana, H&M and Uniqlo — have too jumped on lath the tendency, creating designs an orthodox Muslim, Jew, Christian or Hindu could wear.

Final yr the Perth Fashion Festival even dipped its toes into the arena, presenting small-scale fashion alongside designs from India and Africa on a multicultural runway.

Modesty an empowering choice

The Perth Pocket-size Style Premier 2018 consequence showcased collections from xv local designers, with more than than 50 models strutting the catwalk, many for the offset fourth dimension.

Five models wearing modest fashions crouched down in a line.

Designs from event organisers Imam Faizel Chothia and Reverend Peter Humphries.( Supplied: Medi Esmail )

"Information technology really represents our cultural diversity and also showcases the fact that we are so multicultural," Ms Demir said.

First-time runway designer Shabnam Riaz, a Pakistani-born Muslim woman who grew upwards in Iran before migrating to Australia, said designing and showing her line — Mizan by Shabnam — was a dream come true.

"My mum, she loved sewing, and so as a fiddling girl I always used to picket her — she'd requite me things to hem and put buttons on, so that'due south how it started," she said.

"I really like the fusion between the eastward and the west, then I'm always thinking virtually how I can incorporate my civilisation into Australian culture, specially in terms of mode."

Fashion designer Shabnam Riaz holds up one of her creations, a blue dress with matching wrap.

Style designer Shabnam Riaz holds up one of her creations.( ABC News: Briana Shepherd )

Ms Riaz, a chemist who formerly owned a number of pharmacies beyond Perth and who is too a mother of ii girls, said modest fashion was a way of mixing her birth civilization with her new culture.

"I want my girls to grow upwards knowing that to dress modestly is a choice, not a forced matter," she said.

"And besides to know that [in dressing] modestly, women can be known as who we are, rather than how we display our bodies.

"I of my daughters just had her schoolhouse ball and she actually chose to habiliment i of our traditional outfits — anybody commented on how beautiful the outfit was and she felt very proud wearing information technology."

Sandra holds up one of her designs, a white long-sleeved shirt with black embroidered flower design.

Mode designer Sandra Rives also had pieces in the show.( ABC News: Briana Shepherd )

The priest and the imam

The manner testify was the abstraction of Imam Faizel and his adept friend, Reverend Peter Humphries.

The unlikely duo met six years ago when Imam Faizel knocked on the doors of St Paul's Anglican Church building in Beaconsfield, inquiring if there was a infinite where Muslims from his community could pray.

Reverend Humphries — leader of St Paul's at the time — responded with: "Here. I mean that's what we practice here, it's the obvious place to pray."

The rest has been, as they say, history.

Under their leadership, Christians and Muslims have sat, eaten, shared and fifty-fifty prayed side-by-side.

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An Anglican church building in Perth's southward hosts the local Muslim community for Ramadan

Terminal year, after years of planning, Imam Faizel, along with the support of his community and many others, turned the building next door to the church into a fully-fledged Muslim prayer facility and a small Islamic art gallery.

While not everyone has been accepting of the growing human relationship between the two faiths, both men choose to focus on the positives.

And despite Reverend Humphries recently leaving St Paul's to focus on his charity in Nepal, where he works to provide access to education for as many children as possible, their friendship has simply grown.

The priest and the imam can now fifty-fifty add together the title of "modest fashion designers" to their resumes, with the launch of their collection — la-Peter de-Faizel — a highlight of Sat'due south event.

And never ones to slow down, they already have the next fashion show lined up for later this yr.

The modest fashion event, to be held at the Perth Convention Centre in June, already has twenty designers signed up, including some international labels groovy to join the move.

Perth fashion show model wears a blue dress with head scarf.

A adult female models one of the designs at the show.( ABC News: Briana Shepherd )

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